Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One of THOSE days...

Today has been one of THOSE days when you wish you had not gotten out of bed! It started at 4.30am with Milly rolling out of George's bed and crying out in pain, we thought maybe collar bone but by the time we were up and moving all was well again. Then Brendon needed the car today to get to town, as he has sold his scooter it meant he needed to drive us to school... Once he found his keys! Two days in a row of lost keys. I arrived at 7.55am School starts at 8am so with five minutes to go I hastily prepared myself and realigne my inner-self. 

The lead up to our class field trip goes well as does the heading off to the weather station. Parking, getting out of the car I turn and lock the car (MY BOSSES) and the key attached to a central locking and alarm system breaks.  I now have two halves, a spring, a key bit and a button piece in my hand. I rush to join the group thinking I will deal with it later...
Weather Station on the sea front

Three terraced walls protect the Met Station
during a Tropical Cyclone

Weather balloon $100, whole unit $300! Daily...
$109, 500 per year!

Where does the weather balloon go???
What a great visit and WOW! The information shared was fantastic, they make their own hydrogen to send the balloon up and I am sure this is easy enough for you science geeks out there but I am impressed!

So after a successful visit I head back to the office as we were gifted a water gauge for the school. By the time I get back out to the car all the parents are gone except one who has a meeting and I am taking her group back with me... She kindly hangs around to see if I can get in the car and then shoots off to her meeting. With all the kids in ooohhing and arhhing about the (brand new) clean smelling car I turn the key over ... NOTHING! Will not start.  I phone husband who is not far away and then the lovely school office lady who is in town banking. One comes to collect the kids and return back to school so they can catch the school bus home and the other to run me down the road to fix the key. But before either of them get to me a very kind young lad stops to see if we are all right, he has a go trying to fix the key and after ten minutes and finding in the small amount of shade he hands the key back to me. Husband turns up followed by Bec's. I try to unlock the car, instead the alarm is going off, I have to leave my handbag and hope no one spies it.  We make it down the road to the Motor Centre where some helpful men all have a look, laugh and murmur "Oh that's a bad one!" NOT helping the guilt I have churning inside!

Any~who, a wonderful young lad takes it away, returns ten minutes later all fixed and glued back in position. Returning to the car I say a little prayer and the car turns over! Turns out though the key was loose and just needs to be clipped in plus it has a button to push to lock and unlock. Not like I am use to in our car where everything is manual... So not all my fault after all, but it does leave me wondering...

 'Why does this stuff always happen to ME?'

Have a laugh as I can see the funny two hours later! :-) Thanks to the very kind man that stopped for me and to all those that came to my rescue! x

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